FENtastic Murmur
很多時候,我盡力地學習各種我認為我該學習的各種產業常識/知識、方法論、Best Practices、經典 Playbook 及商業思維,建立自己的 Pattern Recognition 能力,把各種觀念應用在我該應用上的地方。
Sam Altman,他過去在 YC 倡導新創前期不要投入高額的資本支出、要快速推出產品、產品迭代時要持續的潛在使用者溝通。然而,他在一演講上說的 Honestly, i feel so bad about the advice i gave while running YC i’ve been thinking about deleting my entire blog。畢竟顯然, OpenAI 的成功與他過去的建議有著巨大的矛盾。
最近,我開始看 Michael Gibson 所寫的 Paper Belt On Fire(雖然我才看到第五章,但好看推推!)。Michael Gibson 是協助 Peter Thiel 主持其知名的 Thiel Fellowship 的創始成員之一。書中內寫到了,在初期,他常識學習去了解究竟 Peter Thiel 透過怎樣的模式去辨識哪些可能是(或不是)有潛力的年輕人。而他的體悟是
We thought it should be pretty easy to state what exactly didn’t fit the pattern in Peter’s judgment. But in time we saw that learning would proceed from rules, features, and facts to these expert, tacit assessments of unique cases.
This is the point of apprenticeship and why most “How-to” books are worthless beyond the basics: understanding something or being an expert at it does not require being able to state your knowledge in explicit facts, rules, recipes, or procedures. Craftsmanship is leaving your initial awareness of the rules behind for a sixth sense that cannot be explained and to which words cannot do justice.
There is no manual. No checklist. No playbook. 每個案例,都是獨特的情境,而我不知道我不知道什麼,那些隱藏在成功之下,超越規則的 Context 及要素。所以只是想提醒自己,除了學習瞭解規則、了解模式,但最終最需要的是各式好的與壞的真實經驗累積,(或許有天)就能超越規則與模式,有著屬於自己的直覺。
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